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Old 27th February 2008, 12:03 PM   #1
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Default Select/Hide Surfaces

I know that when I am modelling something, especially when I'm using extrusion, I will tend to get polygons inside the model where I forgot to tell it to Remove Original. These eat of resources, make unsightly lines in the render where they half peek through, and in the case of subdivisions deform the model.

However, there is often no easy way to get inside the model to remove them, short of selecting all surfaces in the general area and then deselecting the good ones until only the bad one is left. Or, in some cases, you can zoom in on the model in 3D mode until you go inside of it to see the rogue polygons directly. Either way, this is time consuming.

Can it be rigged to allow individual surfaces and polygons to be hidden, without hiding the entire object? That way, I could select the facing polygons over the bad ones, hide them, and then remove the bad ones much more easily. As is, the only way to do that would involve cutting those surfaces out of the model, hiding the new object, then merging it all back together when I'm done.
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