Thread: Lamp wip
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Old 13th July 2007, 12:19 AM   #8
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Default Re: Lamp wip

Anytime! I'm always happy to lend a hand.

Try the vertex insert thing again, but make sure you have the right vertices selected. Sometimes when two faces are really close together, it's almost impossible to tell which vertices you have selected. One trick when that happens is to switch to surface mode, select the surface you want the edges for, then switch back to vertex mode and de-select the vertices you don't want leaving just the ones you do. That way, you know you have both vertices from the same face.

The surfaces are most likely shaded differently because either your normals are flipped or the vertices are in a different winding order. (These two things are related.) You can toggle display of normals with the 'n' key, or from the 3d window menu. Normals can be flipped by selecting Surface > Flip Normal, and winding order can be changed with Surface > Change Vertex Order. If your surface has more than four vertices, you might need to change the order several times until you get it the right direction. I usually just hold down the shortcut key, Crtl+Shift+O, until it looks right.

Be sure to post some pictures when you have your lamp textured. :-)
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