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Old 31st December 2003, 07:45 PM   #4
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Default Re: Chipped paint effect

Ok then. The first thing to do then is within AC3D, select your object that you want to give the surface normal effect to and bring up it's property box. Copy and paste this directly into it.

normal {
bump_map {
gif "c:\woody's stuff\custom models\various textures\carpet\greencarpet.gif" interpolate 2
map_type 0
bump_size 4.0
} scale 1

As you can see by my example of the image that I've used, you first have to specify the file type used which in my case was a gif file image. After that, you have to specify where the image is stored followed by the file name.
As far as the settings go ( map_type ), there are different mapping types that you can specify.

map_type 0 gives the default planar mapping.

map_type 1 gives a spherical mapping.

With map_type 2 you get a cylindrical mapping.

Finally map_type 5 is a torus or donut shaped mapping.

The bump size setting gives you the depth of the bump, and the scale setting speaks for itself. If your model is large, you can specify a larger scale to match the paint chip texture. You'll just have to play around and experiment to get the results that you want.
The bump size ranges from 0.1 to as high as 5.0

Now if you go with the default planar ( flat ) type of projection ( map_type 0 ), it will by default project the normal bump effect horizontally like onto a vertical wall.
So if you want it to project vertically ( like looking down on to it from above ), then you'll have to give a rotation setting to it, ie...

normal {
bump_map {
gif "c:\woody's stuff\custom models\various textures\carpet\greencarpet.gif" interpolate 2
map_type 0
bump_size 4.0
} scale 1 rotate <90, 0, 0>


As you can see, I've rotated the bump effect 90 degrees along the x axis so that it will look right when looking at a completely horizontally flat surface. There are a number of good sites where you can find some great textures ( look in resources section ) of old rusted or chipped paint etc. That is if you don't feel like creating you own. Or you can take an existing texture and change the colors to siute your taste.
After you apply your texture to your model, you can use it as well as a normal bump map texture.

Keep in mind as well that these surface normal effects are highly dependent on lighting for them to show up. The better the light sources you use, the better the results will be.
You can use this technique to come up with some pretty cool and realistic effects. Have fun.
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