Thread: Lighting
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Old 14th October 2003, 10:44 AM   #3
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Default Re: Lighting

There's a couple of things you can try. You could try selecting everything in your scene and scaling it down very small in that way the light radius would increase ( the opposite for a small radius light ). The only thing is that AC3D's light gives a hard shadow effect.
If you are using Pov-Ray to render, then you can do this. Set up your scene the way you like it then delete all existing lights. Now render your scene which will be pretty dark ( remember to turn your 3D headlight off ).

Now at the bottom of your Pov-Ray render file place your cursor below the last entry then in the menu click on "insert" then there are several different types of lighting effects that you can add. Here's an example of what I did for the dog scene:

light_source {
0*x // light's position (translated below)
color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color
<8, 0, 0> <0, 0, 8> // lights spread out across this distance (x * z)
16, 16 // total number of lights in grid (4x*4z = 16 lights)
adaptive 1 // 0,1,2,3...
jitter // adds random softening of light
circular // make the shape of the light circular
orient // orient light
translate <-1.16488, 4.20202, 7.26376> // <x y z> position of light

Be sure to get the right position first. In your scene, place a light or object where you want the light source to emanate from, then write down the x, y, z, coordinates and after that delete the light or object. Be sure to copy what you've entered to a note pad document so when you render your scene again after changes, you can easily copy and paste the light info back in again.

After you enter the light info, just hit the re-run command and Pov-Ray will prompt you to save. Just click yes and it will re-render your scene with the updated info. keep in mind that the time will greatly increase for Pov-Ray to render your scene. Click ok and go have a cup of coffee or something. MMMMmmmm coffee sounds pretty good right now.
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