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Old 12th May 2008, 03:26 AM   #4
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Default Re: files on recent list

Thanks much, Dew. I was hoping there was a setting, but it looks like the script is the way to go. I don't think you can just add more lines, because for some reason I recall that there was a trick to adding new stuff to the global preferences... there's some other code you need to add to make it work. I remember trying to do this for a plugin once, unfortunately, I don't remember what I did or if it ever worked, doh.

luuckyy: Heh heh, yeah, my tools menu is a mile long, too. ac3d.tcl has the tools menu in it, but each plugin registers itself with AC3D individually and I'm pretty sure the menu items don't get created until that time, which would make it very tricky to sort.

If there were tools you used more often, however, you can make a whole new "quick tools" menu with just the tools you wanted on it. You'd have to hard-code the list, but you can get the list of installed plugin commands from the socket interface using the command "ac3d list".

Add this after the tools menu and put in the commands you want to call:
# quick menu
    menubutton .mbar.quick -text "Quick" -menu -underline 0
    menu -tearoff 0
	set UI(menu_quick) add command -label "Your Command" -command "your_command_here"
You'll also need to add to the part where it adds the menus:
$m add cascade -menu -label "Quick" -underline 0
And change the pack line to:
pack .mbar.file .mbar.edit .mbar.view .mbar.object .mbar.surface .mbar.vertex .mbar.orth .mbar.3d .mbar.quick -side left
Oh, and of course *back up* your install of AC3D first! Tinkering with the scripts is a good way to accidentally break things.
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