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Old 5th October 2014, 10:18 AM   #6
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Default Re: Need Help Texture Mapping

well it is several objects and I can take the time to lay out the polys in the texture coord. map but thing is either im crazy... or ac3d doesn't make textures by materials.. I can even do set materials by crease angle and it makes one texture for one object even if that object has 10 materials now are you saying im supposed to make it all different materials then split those materials up into different objects? that doesn't work for everything because some systems can only handle so many materials lets say second life one mesh can only have 8 materials... I haven't tried breaking every material into a different object yet maybe that's the key to somewhat success with this... usually I just make the texture map then paint it in photoshop it would be cool to have some kind of shadow map though instead of just a text. coord map... either way I can make great textures but if it wasn't so painful to make a shadow map I think ac3d would have a lot more users than blender because blender over complicates everything but it can bake a texture somewhat easy lol... if I can set material by crease angle why can't it lay out a texture by crease angle at least to start with... this would make editing that object in texture coord. map way easier right?
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