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Old 16th June 2004, 02:39 PM   #2
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Hi Innis,

When you see only a single point at the bottom left of the texture coordinate editor (TCE), this means that all the vertices selected have their texture coordinates set to 0, 0.

If you drag this around you are actually setting the texture coordinate of each vertex to the location of the pixel it's over - so you will see the surfaces changing color.

Select them and try pressing the TCE map buttons. Depending on where they are in 3D space, you will see them laid out in the tce.

If you want a different texture on each surface, you need to fragment the object (turns each surface into a single object - each object can have a single texture).

A more efficient way is to use a single texture which is a compositite of all the images you need like this:

Then you can use the TCE to map different parts to the appropriate section of the image.

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