Thread: Mask layer
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Old 21st August 2011, 07:01 PM   #4
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Default Re: Mask layer

You are right, you are not understanding me.
I'm not after the UV map of the mesh, but rather, a shade layer.
Note the layer in the pic was made using another 3D program, it was exported from the 3D program just like you export a .bmp of the mesh, but is a representation of how light strikes the car.
Note how the hood is bright and the sides of the car are shaded darker than the top.
This layer (a shade layer or mask layer) is generated by the 3D program and is dependant on how many lights you put in the scene and their location.
It is usually called a mask layer and is generated in the 3D program.
There is a "Render to Texture" plugin for AC3D that might do it, although I can't get it to work, possibly because I'm in Win7_64bit.
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