Thread: A few things
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Old 16th May 2005, 01:14 PM   #3
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I have came accross your plugin. I'm not to advanced when it comes to Povray. I have just started to get the hang of AC3D. I understand how your plugin would help. But it seems to me that its trail/error lol. Which I allways do anyways. Thanks for you response. I hope that these things may come to be in the future.

I also was thinking of making a physics plugin for objects(if i had any idea how to).Or someone could make it.
This program would allow you to select an object (s) and select physics which would drop the object until it hits another surface. For examples you want a jar full of marbles you could select the marbles and then use the plugin to drop the marbes into the jar. Or select whatever you want and have options for the funtion like so in the jar example have the marbles move toward the base of the jar and once a marbles touches the base it starts the collision for the rest of the marbles to stop and look realistic.
This would help I think in a big way for many ppl.
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