Thread: Haunted house
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Old 6th November 2005, 02:15 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Spinner
Yeah, second time around is heaps easier, LOL
Absolutely --- I'm finding out just how much practise it takes to become somewhat efficient here...

Originally Posted by Spinner
Dennis, what's happening beside the door in the second pic? I cant work out what's causing that. It looks kind've like bitmaps interfering with themselve :?
I think what you're seeing is the way shadows are being cast from the wiring poles beside the door? The shadows are being cast onto the siding, which is composed of raised boards, so it gives a zig-zag-like shadow - more pronounced/sharp because the poles are so close to the siding.

There are actually two poles there to our right side of the door (you can sort of see them in the 3rd shot). I think the combination of the two poles, the shadows, and the angle of the camera conspire to drum up a freaky little pattern there.

The heavy patterns where the zig-zag effect is is where the "moonlight" is hitting the pole. You'll see toward the top that the pole isn't casting a crooked shadow.

This may be because the porch light is set to cast lightmap shadows, while the moonlight is doing raycast shadows. This scene may need a bit of a lighting makeover for future renders

Is that what you're referring to?
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