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Old 5th July 2007, 12:46 AM   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Default Re: New to 3D modeling

I think I figured that I needed to draw it in polyline, instead of poly mode, then change it to poly when i'm done. Basically I drew the lines in poly and it covered up the wheel well to where i couldn't see it to trace it.

I'm starting to read through the whole manual.

I wasn't talking about program specific books, but more like books on the concepts of 3d modeling, that could be used for any modeling software.

Is that how you basically model real world objects, is find 3 views, or maybe even take pictures of them, and trace it out and work with it to get it as close as you can?

How can you make things to scale? Say I wanted to model my desk, I would have to measure it, then how could I make it all proportional in the program? Then I'd need to take pictures of it to get the textures?

I know this is an AC3D forum, but why does one choose AC3D over the other modelers out there?
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