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Old 24th March 2004, 01:31 AM   #11
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Default Re: Please Help!

Prototype ACObject *new_object(int type);
Prototype void object_add_vertex(ACObject *ob, Vertex *p);
Prototype Vertex *object_add_new_vertex(ACObject *ob, Point3 *p);
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Old 30th March 2004, 04:46 AM   #12
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Default Re: Please Help!

ive been kinna neglecting making my plugin ...and ive been busy elsewhere :lol:
but im trying to get back to it.

im thinking i will just make it as an importer rather than a tool with tcl(mabye ill make a tool later)
but all the samples that came with the sdk are old, so right now i dont know how to "register" an importer.

ac_register_file_importer(char *name, char *suffix, char *desc, ac_file_importer_func func, char *info);
ok so i make a ac_file_importer_func function, but what exactly is it suppose to return?
how do i make an ac_file_importer_func function that returns a ac3d model?
if anyone has any importer code, that they could send me, that would be awsome.

monstar: creating the object wasnt the my problem, it was getting it back to ac3d. sorry should have explaind myself better.

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Old 2nd April 2004, 12:15 AM   #13
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Default Re: Please Help!

When you add an importer, you pass the funtion that AC3D will call to load an object e.g.

    ac_register_file_importer("3DS", ".3ds", "3D Studio", ac_import_3ds, ac_import_3ds_info);

ACObject *ac_import_3ds (char *filename)
// open the file
// create AC3D object structures
// return the top object
the sv import code from the SDK is a simple example of how to create an object structure.

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