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Old 9th April 2005, 12:31 PM   #1
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Default Does anyone have an object centering plugin?

There was one floating around a couple of years back, but I heard the author lost the original to a hard drive crash. Did anyone download the plugin and could make it available? Alternatively, is there a general object/group centering plugin available?

I've done a bunch of Google searches and looked through the back archives of this forum without running into any matches, so I realise I may be out of luck here. There was a note about manually setting an object's rotation point, but it doesn't seem to work for my already-grouped objects - I can type new co-ordinates into the properties box, but they auto-revert when I close it.

I'm hoping to get something similar to a stackable animation joint, where I can set an object's rotation point at X, Y and Z, then group the object with a parent and set the group rotation point, then ubergroup the small group with another object and set a third rotation point for the whole shebang.

Yeah, I know, it's not IK, but my needs are simple :)

Animation is out for the moment, but it'd be nice to be able to tweak the 'pose' of a jointed model for screenshots with the minimum of fuss.

On the third hand. if there aren't any plugins available at the moment to do this, what are people's favorite third-party joint programs?
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