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Old 16th December 2005, 10:50 PM   #4
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Not to be disagreeable but please recheck the reviews for the Volari board, it received 4 and 1/2 stars out of 5 out of 70 reviews.. (I didn't check them however before I made the purchase)
For sure some users had problems others however did not, and praise the card.
I have no idea what is the truth, I purchaced on a recommendation, to solve the current onboard video problems, I did mention this in an earlier post, and you are correct I did not read any of the reviews at all as reviews work both ways for most cards.

We shall see what happens when I get the new video card, which won't be for a couple of weeks, due to the return and shipping time. I have another computer which is my internet machine, a laptop for when I wish to get away, and this particular machine (The new build) will never be on the internet, and only used as a dedicated work machine, until I decide I need something better. I can use gmax but its clunky and awkward compared to AC3D, that is, in my opinion. Thanks for your input.
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