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Old 3rd February 2004, 12:19 PM   #3
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Default Re: Custom texture overide

But it seems that no matter what you do, the new texture gets layered on top of the other texture unless you go into the Pov file itself and manually delete the original texture and write in the new texture settings.
When I try to create a patterned texture using a custom color map, the results gets automatically layered on top of the original AC3D texture which Pov then rejects. I was just trying to see if there was some way to edit the AC3D texture from within AC3D to overide those settings without having to edit the Pov file and re-render.
When I try to create a patterned texture from 2 Pov declared textures ( Chrome and Brass ect. ), it can't be layered at all. If I try to break down each texture, Chrome and Brass to it's basic element description, I'll create a declare statement a mile long and it makes it difficult for me to keep track of it. In the end, it still gets layered on top of the original color.
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