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Old 17th June 2006, 03:19 PM   #7
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Default Re: The revolve tool

Not sure what you were trying to do with the image, so it's hard to say what went wrong. However, as the manual states for the fields:

"The replicator works by first duplicating (or extruding) the current selection. Second, it moves the new copy using the distances specified by Translation (X, Y, Z coordinates). Next, if there is a rotation specified, it rotates the object around the specified location. Finally if the scale fields are set to anything other than 1,1,1, the copy is scaled."

So, given the settings in your screenshot, the replicator did this with the selected surface(s):

1. Extruded the surface
2. Moved it 2 units along the X axis, 3 units along the Y axis, and 5 units along the Z axis
3. Rotated it 2 degrees on the X axis, 5 degrees on the Y axis, and 7 degrees on the Z axis. All rotations were done about the Origin.
4. Scaled the surface up 5 times on the X/Y axes, and 4 times on the Z axis.

Now, take the attached examples. In this example, I selected the right-side-center surface on a subdivided, 3x3 block.

In the first image, I told the replicator to create 8 copies of the selection, and to perform an Extrude. It's going to create 8 extruded copies of my selection.

Now, for each copy of the surface, it's going to rotate it -20 degrees on the Z axis around the Origin, and it's going to scale it down to 75% of its original size on the X/Y/Z axes. These operations happen for each extrusion, so the first extrusion will be 75% of the original size, the second extrusion will be 75% of the first extrusion's size, etc. As you can see, it doesn't take long for the surface to get pretty small doing this.

In the second example shot, the settings are the same, but the surface is moved 0.2 units up the Y axis after each extrusion.

You can achieve the same results as the second example by manually extruding the surface 0.2 units up the Y axis, then rotating -20 degrees about the origin, then resizing it to 75% of the original size. the Replicator basically just automates and repeats each step for you.

Hope that helps.
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