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Old 15th February 2005, 01:03 PM   #2
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This should show you most of it.

To get the object name use ac_object_get_name(object)




Shared vertex  (.sv files)	plugin for AC3D  - 

Version 1.1 by Inivis

file will look like:

<NUMVERT>					-|
(numvert of) <X> <Y> <Z>			 | 
<NUMTRIANGLES>					 |--- 1 or more blocks until EOF
(numtriangles of) <V1> <V2> <V3> <HEXRGB>	-|

e.g. white a rectangle (made from two triangles)

0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 0 3 ffffff
0 2 1 ffffff

A loader for this format should read the header "SV" then keep 
reading until the end of the file.	Each AC3D object will be represented
by a vertex list and a triangle list.

Note that lights are ignored because they don't have any vertices.
Also - lines are ignored


#include <stdio.h>
#include "ac_plugin.h"

static void sv_output_col(FILE *f, int col)
ACMaterial *m = ac_palette_get_material(col);
long rgb;

	rgb = ac_material_index_to_rgb(col);
	fprintf(f, "%x\n", rgb);

static void sv_output_triangle(FILE *f, List *vertices, Surface *s)
SVertex *p1, *p2, *p3;
int col;
int id1, id2, id3; 

	// get SVertexes for this triangle
	// SVertex contains vertex pointer, texture cordinates and the normal

	p1 = (SVertex *)(s->vertlist->data);
	p2 = (SVertex *)(s->vertlist->next->data);
	p3 = (SVertex *)(s->vertlist->next->next->data);

	// get int positions of each vertex within the main object list
	id1 = list_index(vertices, p1->v);
	id2 = list_index(vertices, p2->v);
	id3 = list_index(vertices, p3->v);

	fprintf(f, "%d %d %d ", id1, id2, id3); 

	sv_output_col(f, s->col);

static void sv_output_surfaces(FILE *f, List *vertices, List *triangs)
	/** go through the triangle list and output each **/
	for (List *p = triangs; p != NULL; p = p->next)
		Surface *s = (Surface *)p->data;
		sv_output_triangle(f, vertices, s);

static void sv_output_object(FILE *f, ACObject *ob)
int numvert, numsurf, numkids;
List *vertices, *surfaces, *kids;
List *p;

	printf("outputing %s\n", ac_object_get_name(ob));

	ac_object_get_contents(ob, &numvert, &numsurf, &numkids,
		&vertices, &surfaces, &kids); 

	// we are only interested in triangles, so we a list of triangulated surfaces
	List *triangs = ac_object_get_triangle_surfaces(ob); // get list of triangles (ignores lines/polyline surfaces)

	int numtri = list_count(triangs);

	if (numtri > 0)
		fprintf(f, "%d\n", numvert); // output number of vertices
		for (p = vertices; p != NULL; p = p->next) // output each vertex
			Vertex *v = (Vertex *)p->data;

			fprintf(f, "%f %f %f\n", v->x, v->y, v->z);
		fprintf(f, "%d\n", numtri); /** output the number of triangles **/
		sv_output_surfaces(f, vertices, triangs); // output number of surfaces and each surface

	ac_surfacelist_free(&triangs); // important - free the surfaces (and list) created from ac_object_get_triangle_surfaces

	for (p = kids; p != NULL; p = p->next) // output any children objects
		sv_output_object(f, (ACObject *)p->data);

static Boolean do_sv_save(char *fname, ACObject *top)
FILE *f;

	f = fopen(fname, "w");
	if (f == NULL)
		message_dialog("SV EXporter: can't open file '%s' for writing", fname);

	fprintf(f, "SV\n"); /** output a header **/
	sv_output_object(f, top );

/***** hook functions that the AC3D plugin loader looks for *******/

AC3D_PLUGIN_FUNC int AC3DPluginInit()
double ver = ac_get_version_number();

	ac_register_file_exporter("SV", ".sv", "SurfaceVertex", do_sv_save, "plugin, version 1.1, by Inivis");


AC3D_PLUGIN_FUNC int AC3DPluginExit()

AC3D_PLUGIN_FUNC char *AC3DPluginAbout()
	return("SV Export Plugin - Version 1.1 - by Inivis");

AC3D_PLUGIN_FUNC char *AC3DPluginInfo()
return("SV is a simple file format that is used to demonstrate how to write AC3D geometry import/export plugins.\
The structure:\n\n\
(numvert of) <X> <Y> <Z>\n\
<NUMTRIANGLES>					 ( 1 or more blocks until EOF)\n\
(numtriangles of) <V1> <V2> <V3> <HEXRGB>\n\
e.g. white a rectangle (made from two triangles)\n\
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000\n\
1.000000 1.000000 0.000000\n\
1.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n\
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n\
2 0 3 ffffff\n\
0 2 1 ffffff\n");
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