Thread: CSG Editing...
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Old 26th March 2004, 10:10 AM   #8
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Default Re: CSG Editing...

The plugin *should* handle situations with convex objects. It has in all the scenarios I tested.

It tries its best to handle all situations, but sometimes the 'right' result is not the one you were going for... For instance, it is legal to use a non-enclosed object in an operation, but the result is not always what you might have wanted.

If I remember correctly, the only models that are refused outright are ones with inconsistent normal facing (imagine a cube with all sides but one pointing 'out').

I'm not sure I followed about the union operation there, but all internal surfaces should be removed as part of the operation. If they are not, then it's either a model error or a bug (and the model errors are probably more common.. I hope 8-/).

If you place the hallway flush against the room, there is no intersection between the objects, so you probably would not see what you want. If you push the hallway so it overlaps the wall of the room a little, then you get the union. If your hallway was already hollow, and your room was already hollow, then the space where the hallway would have opened into the room will be blocked (the inside of an open-ended tube is not considered 'interior' for a CSG operation) - use the same object you used to hollow out the hallway in order to punch the hole in the wall.

Hopefully helpful,
-- Jeff
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