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Old 28th November 2004, 08:14 PM   #1
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Default Snap to...

I've noticed that I am having a little problem with snapping objects together.

I've created a very simple object and I am duplicating it many times (ctrl+D) to make up a larger model. I have snap to grid on at a grid size (snap) of 0.05

When I put these duplicates side by side it looks like vertices are sharing the same position, so when I combine the objects and then select Optmise Vertices I expect the duplicates to be removed. However they are not always, and I think it is because when I duplicate an object it is created at an offset that is not quite snapped to the grid?

When I zoom in really close I can see gaps (and I think small number rounding errors are occuring as I find loads of problems from the middle mouse button not being able to scroll the view to vertices moving about to different places as I zoom in and out at extreme close up). I have to select vertices and choose snap together by distance to get them together before the object-Optimise Vertices will work.

I have tried selecting all vertices in my model and choosing Snap to grid, then duplicating an object (now all is snapped to grid) and positioning it on the end, combining and then optimise vertices and it does not optimise. I have to select the vertices in the duplicate part, snap it to the grid and then optimise works. As you can imagine this becomes a chore when you have to duplicate, toggle to vertices edit mode, snap to grid, toggle back to object edit mode, merge then optmise.

Is this a known issue and can it be fixed?
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Old 30th November 2004, 06:25 AM   #2
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You need to use the Vertex->snap-together-by-distance function. This will move 'close' vertices together.

When duplicating, the new object is moved by a grid unit - you can switch this off in File->settings->General->offset-duplicates. Alternatively, use Edit->copy/paste (control C, control V) to make an exact copy in the same location (although it can be difficult to see that there are two objects in the same location, which is why duplicate shifts the new object)

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Old 30th November 2004, 08:34 AM   #3
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Yes, that option to snap together works well, its just a bit inconvinient to have to do that for every object - but I guess I could do that at the end and select all vertices in the 3d world.

The option says it will offest for duplicate and paste. I'll try turning it off and see what happens.

If the vertices are snapped to the grid already, and when you duplicate/paste it is adding a grid unit(s) offset then surely the duplicate should still be snapped to the grid? So is this a bug if it is not?
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Old 30th November 2004, 10:30 AM   #4
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If it's not moved, the vertices should have exactly the same values. Are you saying that the vertices of the copy are in different positions to the original?

I just tried it. If you merge the new object with the original and then optimize vertices, any duplicate vertices will be removed and you'll end up with the original number of vertices. This shows that the new vetices have the same values. It worked for me. Perhaps there's another problem?

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Old 30th November 2004, 10:40 AM   #5
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I find with one object in particular thatsome vertices seem to join but others do not. If I align vertices to grid then they will join up when optimised.

So I think tried setting align to grid on everything and then duplicated the object but the same happened. I had to align vertices to grid again before they would join.

I will try again tonight to be sure, but do you want e to send you an AC file to look at? (please let me know where to send it).

I also found if I zoomed in- I mean REALLY zoomed in, to the vertices that eventually the vertices started 'jumping' around. I assumed this was due to the scale of such small values? When zoomed in this far, the ones that don't join jump about where as the ones that do, do not jump around. I also found at this zoom level pressing the middle mouse button to move the view did not work properly (it gets stuck on X/Y axis) which again I assumed is down to the tiny numbers loosing precision.
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